Saturday, February 2, 2013

I've neglected my blog for a while...obviously. I regret that. I often have things I'd like to say, but for whatever reason, go unsaid. Some around me have had losses and joys, awakenings and backsliding. Maybe I'm a bit of all those things right along with my friends. I know of many prayers requested, and I'm true to their needs, but often no one knows. I'm not good about saying I'm praying for you, but nevertheless, I am praying for you.

I have many Emmaus sisters, and I'm so grateful for their presence. But I haven't been to our weekly meetings in several weeks. I lift them up and I'm aware they lift me up. But, I will confess that I haven't found the fortitude to overcome my need to withdraw from the world for a while. This, too, shall pass.

My dad was fond of saying that. I miss him everyday of my life. We lost him to leukemia a few years ago and I thought he would live forever. I still can't believe it. I still think to myself, "I have to ask Daddy about that." Oh, that I could. He believed in me like no other person on earth.

My life is tremendously blessed, but I've experienced a number of traumas. However, gladly not every day, but often enough, I learn of people, families, friends, acquaintances, even strangers, who would happily trade my traumas for their nightmares. And I'm humbled. Because they're on point. I have not deserved the blessings I've been given and I thank God for my life. I've always had a very good Guardian Angel.

I'm an American. I'm employed with a retirement. I have a beautiful home and family, warts and all. I have good health and money enough to spend $4.00 for every item in my grocery cart and every gallon of gasoline in my car. At least for the foreseeable future. I'm free to go to Mass on Sunday and vote on every Tuesday I'm offered the chance. I can hope for nothing more for my children and grandchildren.